Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Hello, my name is Brendan and my callsign is N0BML. I've used these words to introduce myself during several amateur radio meetings. I have tried many of the different aspects of amateur radio and while there are several more to explore I've decided to focus most of my time and energy on emergency communications and public service. This blog is going to be documenting my activities and experiments along the way. Here are a few projects I've chosen to get started.

Lancer8800 - I have a Yaesu FT-8800R that I am going to install in Zero, my 2003 Mitsubishi Lancer ES. My friend N8QG is going to help my install the radio and antenna. In a couple of weeks I'll have the funds to buy the parts we need.

ExtraMe - Currently I have a General class amateur radio license. I'm going to be studying to pass the exam to upgrade to an Amateur Extra class license, the highest class amateur radio license available. Just because I can.

PortableQRP - I also have a Yaesu FT-817ND and am going to assemble a portable station for QRP operations. Being a basement apartment my QTH is very poor for antenna placement. Having a "station in a bag" will allow me to hike up to a few mountain tops or light houses and make some contacts.

I have many more project ideas but these are the top three that are my goals. After they are complete I'll examine my options and select the next few projects. Other things that I will blog about in the coming days are training courses, exercises, public service events and anything else related to amateur radio that catches my fancy. Welcome!

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